Do i need java 8 update 71
Do i need java 8 update 71do i need java 8 update 71

Verify that is added to your trusted sites. Make sure is added to the compatibility settings. Make sure Java plug ins are enabled for IE. What version of IE are you running? Need to be on highest version. I really dislike ADP and would love to get away from it. I have some system that pop right away and others that take 15-20 secs to appear. I found this post looking for a way to get my Java page to come up quicker. Then finally in the advanced tab I change the setting for "Check for certificate revocation using" Certificate Revocation Lists(CRL's). In the security tab, change the level to Medium and I add my ETime server to the Exception list. This includes Trace and Log files, Cached applications and applets and Installed applications and Applets. I then go into the Java control panel and delete all the temporary files. I make sure IE is in compatibility mode for that site. Since they introduced 7 update 51, I found that it is more stable for me. It took many long hours that week to get ETime working somewhat normal. I was able to get that going on all my systems. I found that 7 update 11 was the better option than 7 update 45. I got the important systems somewhat stable and decided to try other versions of Java. The Tech could not recommend CCleaner but did tell me to try it. I raised hell and then they finally told me to make adjustments within Java and run CCleaner. There was no rhyme nor reason why one computer would work and the next(setup exactly the same) would not. Even with using Mozilla and Chrome it was problematic. I have ETime running on over 150 desktops. He then confessed and told me that he couldn't get it to run on my server until he used a different browser.

#Do i need java 8 update 71 install#

His response was to install Mozilla and access it that way. When the ADP tech called and told me he was done, I tried and could not get ETime to work.

do i need java 8 update 71

ADP upgraded my ETime and with that I had to go from Java 6 update 29 to Java 7 Update 45. I was in ETime Java Hell back in December of last year. Why the idiots don't take the HMTL version and add the features from the Java version I will never understand, all I know is if I were billing for this we would be in the 30k range for our staffs wasted time! The security change removes the Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar error that is the Error Click for details on the page.Īlso remember if you totally uninstall Java to do the XP fix go into the Advanced tab and do the first item to fix the slowness! The java runtime error seems to be caused by older versions of java so clearing the slate and allowing the 6.17 and then manually installing 7.51 seems to fix it. Under the java CP under the Advanced tab find Check for certificate revocation using and select the first option called Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)Īs for 7.51 update get ready for more hell! Only fixes we have found so far for XP is to uninstall all versions of java allow ADP to install 6.17 then go install 7.51 again then go into the Security tab for Java CP and edit site list and ADD the ADP site otherwise you will get errors. The current stage of the Greek Tragedy know as ADP/JAVA updates:īefore the 7.51 Java update do the following to fix the slow issue.

Do i need java 8 update 71